Sometimes you may see a beautiful woman with a complete loser who doesnt know what to talk, how to act or even treat her as a fragile flower. You think, why this hot attractive woman is with this rude and ugly dork. The answer is that this guy knows something that you don't know. He probably has the characteristics of "the alpha man" who knows how to go and get the woman, not wait for the woman to give attraction singles back to him.Women are complicated creatures. From the moment they have met you, till the day you pass away, they will test you with their skills from birth and you may even never realize it.
So what must you do to build attraction with women or how not to destroy the chances. Here are some easy steps to scare hot women away:.1- Fire compliments on her from the first day you've met her and try to attract her with your kind words.
2- Buy roses, flowers or gifts as many times as possible to touch her feelings.3- Dont take your time and open up your heart as early as possible, in fact it's better if you can tell her how much you love her at your first date.4- Make her the center of your life and show that you cannot live without her.5- Write love letters with great romantic words, show how romantic you are and how special she is to you.6- Call her more than 3 times a day and let her hang up the phone or finish the conversation first.
7- Take her to your parents for a special dinner.If you look into those tips, some of them may seem like great ideas to attract women but in fact it's a direct highway to another miserable failure with women.So what should you do to get the woman, you want? You must have some characteristics of "the alpha man" and start to make things work for you.
So who is "the alpha man"? What are his characteristics?.Alpha man is the man who knows rejection is a possibility but who also knows that his chances are 70% higher than other guys, these guys who dont know what to do for creating attraction in her. He has 4 main characteristics which triggers attraction that 80% of other men lack. So what are these:.
1- Self-Confidence: Not pretending to have self confidence, the actual self confidence to believe that he is the prize to be won by her, not the other way around.2- Mystery: Letting her know less than she wants to know in the first dates and never letting her know everything about him. Always creating questions in her mind.3- Sense of humour: Knowing when and how to make her laugh. Believe it or not, making her laugh is the most important tip that you must never forget.
Do you know why? Because a small laughter
- increases blood pressure
- increases the heartbeat rate
- reduces levels of certain neurochemicals (catecholamines, hormones)
- provides a boost to the immune system.
.4- Naughty boy vs. Serious guy: The naughty boy characteristic in an "the alpha man" creates attraction with teasing and sometimes making fun of this hot girl that every other man is scared of.He knows when to stop or switch to a serious talk and although he teases the woman, he is never arrogant or rude. That type of man is very hard to be tested by women and therefore it's a challenge which will easily create the basic bits of attraction.So the point is believing old cliche words like: "this woman is out of my league" leads to definite failure. Understanding the hero and skills inside you will not only make you feel better and may create "the alpha man" inside you unawaringly and maximizes your chances. Even if you are not successful at first, you'll not feel the disappointment of rejection as there will always be other chances for the new you.
.Cenk Butunley is the founder of MyBestDate, a Free Online Dating Site serving internationally. He has specialized in software engineering since 1998, including three years as a Senior Developer for Bromcom Computers Plc., a software publishing company.
By: Cenk Butunley