You will attract whatever you are willing to put up with. If you are willing to put up with someone who is flaky, you will attract someone that is a flake. If you are willing to put up with someone who will mistreat you or disrespect you, you will attract someone who will mistreat or disrespect you. If you are willing to put up with someone who takes advantage of you or takes you for granted, you will attract someone who will take advantage of you and/or take you for granted.Take a look at your relationships and see if there is a pattern of behavior that the other person exhibited that you did not particularly like that may have contributed to the demise of the relationship. The patterns of behavior displayed by your relationship partner are essentially a mirror for you, a clue to you about what you are willing to put up with.
If you aren't willing to put up with it, you wouldn't have attracted and thus experienced it.Hopefully you have learned from your past relationships where there were behaviors being exhibited that you didn't like and you made a conscious choice that you had been there and done that and won't do it again. Some of the time, this is enough to not have to experience it again.
At least maybe not to the same degree. Or, it might be so subtle and look so different that you don't recognize it as being the same bottom line pattern of behavior.For example, if you dated someone whom you discovered you could not depend on to either be on time or show up at all and then would call with some excuse as to why the plans you made together had to be changed. You may have let them get away with it for a while, but eventually called things off as a result. Some time later, you might have experienced someone who was just late by a little every time you made plans. Because it wasn't to the same degree as previously experienced, you still might have let them get away with it.
If it doesn't bother you fine, but if it does, don't put up with it from anyone that you are looking to spend your life with.When someone does something different than what they tell you they are going to do, it is ultimately a matter of respect. You deserve to be respected enough that they at least call and explain why they are not there on time or why your plans had to change and sincerely make an attempt to not let it happen again. If they don't, they don't respect you.
In the end, this means that you are willing to put up with disrespect. And, you don't want to be with someone that disrespects you in any way, shape or form. It will only get worse instead of better. Find someone that respects you and that there isn't anything about them that you would want to change and stick with them. Bottom line, whatever you are willing to put up with, that's exactly what you're going to attract.If, however, you respect yourself enough to expect respect from someone you choose to be with, then you will attract someone who will treat you right.
Someone who will love and accept and respect you exactly as you are because you have made it clear to yourself that you won't accept anything less. And when you respect yourself enough that you won't accept anything less, then you pave the way to attract the absolute love of your life. So, make it clear to yourself and others what you are and are not willing to put up with. And then you will be rewarded with exactly what you want to experience.Warmest Regards,
Lisa Stuart.Copyright © 2006 The Love Attraction Expert.
.Lisa Stuart is dedicated to showing you how to attract the love of your life. Discover the secrets to attracting and experiencing a relationship with the love of your life! Sign up for Lisa's Attracting Love Newsletter ($100 Value) just by visiting her website at Lisa Stuart